I’m an active participant in the conversation around news, content strategy, digital innovation, and the media business. I regularly speak at media industry and other events.
Quoted In…
“Traveling light will make it easier if you have to rebook flights for any reason and give you a lot more flexibility. It will also minimize the chances of your bag getting lost or stuck in one of the many airport piles around the world.”
Reuters: Best hacks for the travel apocalypse

“Metrics of success will move from likes, followers and view counts toward deeper signs of engagement and loyalty such as time spent, registrations, and subscriptions.”
NewsWhip: What to expect on social media in 2018
People post content that “supports the images of themselves they want to reflect.”
Adexchanger: Business publishers see growing opportunity on LinkedIn
Meena Thiruvengadam, took the most straightforward approach: open with the transparency criticisms, then follow that up with the big number.
Columbia Journalism Review: Transparency or Trillions?
“It started to get to a critical mass, and it seemed like the right time to be on there.”
Digiday: How Business Insider attracted 230,000 Line followers in two weeks
Digiday: Diversification the new black as publishers see end to Facebook dependence
Digiday: How publishers use emotion to promote content on Facebook
Digiday: Publishers’ on-again, off-again affair with LinkedIn is back on again
Journalism.co.uk: For its first Facebook community, Bloomberg brought readers together to talk about personal finance
American Press Institute: Need to Know Newsletter
Poynter: The Cohort: How to spend that sweet work honeymoon
Nieman Lab: Publishers claim they’re taking Facebook’s News Feed changes in stride. Is the “bloodletting” still to come?
AxelSpringer Inside.App: (Berlin, Germany): Rise of the bots
The Drum: Twitter introduces sponsored Moments to connect publishers with brands
Adexchanger: Business publishers see growing opportunity on LinkedIn
Resume Magazine: (Stockholm, Sweden): Instant Articles trickle into Sweden
New York Daily News: Media innovators discuss journalism in digital age
Metro UK: Fashion shoot glamorizing horrific Indian gang-rape removed after widespread outrage
Mudgee Guardian (Mudgee, Australia): International writers discover Australia’s food, wine ‘secrets’ in Mudgee
FishbowlNY: Latest Yahoo Travel ‘Smackdown’ Takes Aim at New York
NY Mag: Bittersweet funny election tweets to get you through
Washington Post: ‘God forgive America’: Newspapers around the world react to Trump
Book Citations
Too Big to Fail: The inside story of how Wall Street and Washington fought to save the financial system – and themselves. (Andrew Ross Sorkin)
Fighting to Save Main Street from Wall Street and Wall Street from Itself (Sheila Bair)
Big Media, Big Money: Cultural Texts and Political Economics (Ronald V. Bettig, Jeanne Lynn Hall)
Mobile and Social Media Journalism: A Practical Guide (Anthony Adornato)